Bare Metal Devices

Bare Metal server endpoint for getting details, provisioning and cancelling.

  • Bare Metal Devices - Provision an instant device
    • Provisions an instant device when provided the OS name, Product ID, Location name and Hostname.
  • Bare Metal Devices - Get all devices
    • Returns an array of all provisioned devices on the account with details for each device.
  • Bare Metal Devices - Batch provision instant devices
    • Provisions a batch of instant devices when provided the OS name, Product ID, Location name and Hostname for each device in the object array.
  • Bare Metal Devices - Cancel/Delete device
    • Cancels/deletes a device with the provided device ID.
  • Bare Metal Devices - Update/reload instant device
    • Updates and reloads an instant device when provided the Device ID, OS name and Hostname.
  • Bare Metal Devices - Get device
    • Returns a detailed summary of a specific device when provided with the device ID.